One of the best ways to save money is to buy things seasonally when they’re at their lowest price. Check out the best things to buy in September.
One of the biggest ways I save money is to not buy things immediately just because I want them. I try to only buy things we need and only when they’re on sale.
I especially try to do this when it comes to brand new big ticket items. Or when I find some just for fun items at an amazing deal.
Most stores have inventory that changes regularly with the season. So, you can find some really affordable buys at the end of the season or during the off season. Here are some of the best items to buy in September.
1. Summer Apparel – Fall doesn’t officially start until the 22nd of September. But, by the time Labor Day rolls around stores are selling all things fall.
Stores want to sell as much leftover summer apparel as possible to make more room for fall goodies. Be sure to look for deals on things like shorts, tank tops, bathing suits, sandals, and sunglasses.
2. Outdoor Living Items – Enjoy hanging out in your own back yard or going camping in the mountains? September is a good time to buy outdoor living items since cold weather is right around the corner.
3. School Supplies - Most kids have headed back to school just after Labor Day. You can look for back to school sales to be coming to an end.
Even though the advertised sales may be ending, stores will be marking down any excess product even lower to help get it out the door.
4. Coffee – National Coffee Day is on September 29 in the US and International Coffee Day is October 1st.
Talk about a coffee lover's dream weekend. If like in the past, you'll be able to find some deals on bagged coffee. You may even find some freebies and deep discounts on the freshly brewed stuff at your favorite coffee shop.
5. Time For A Vacation?Everyone loves a good summer vacation. With school back in session, there’s definitely a lull in traveling until the holidays.
Since it’s the off season you can likely find some pretty good deals on all things travel. Look for savings on everything from flights to hotel stays. You'll save even more on weekday stays.
What amazing deals have you found during September?