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Hell Week Wrap-Up: Did I Become My Best Self In 7 Days?

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Erik Bertrand Larssen. All opinions are 100% mine.

Over the past week, I've been participating in Hell Week, which is a book written by Erik Bertrand Larssen intended to help you become your best self in just seven days. I'm writing this on Monday, which is the day after my last day of Hell Week, so I'm officially on the other side and wanted to give one last update on how things went. You can read my other posts of why I decided to give Hell Week a try and how the first half of the week went here:

Hell-Week-Sever-days-To-Be-Your-Best-Self-book Here's how the rest of my Hell Week went.


Thursday was an interesting day as it was a stressful day for me and the theme for the day is pushing yourself out of your comfort zone. Oh, and you're supposed to pull an all-nighter. That part was actually easy for me because the cat I am closest to was sick and I spent most of the night up worrying about him (definitely more paranoid after our cat Marvin got suddenly sick and died just over a month ago) and snuggling with him since he didn't feel so great. Luckily he just had laryngitis and hadn't tried to eat something he shouldn't have as I feared and is back to his normal self now after some antibiotics. I'll also admit that I did totally end up sleeping for a few minutes here and there as I was just drained all around. But, it certainly helped me get caught up on my week and I definitely had no problem falling asleep shortly after 10 the next night. pip


Since you finally get to sleep Friday night after having your all-nighter, it's no surprise that the day's theme is about rest. I really appreciated the reminder that resting doesn't have to always mean sleeping, though. You can rest from work by taking a walk or a few minutes at the gym during your lunch hour. You can rest from all the craziness of life by spending some uninterrupted time with your partner and/or kids. You can rest from all your mental stress by meditating. You can rest from your tech-filled day by going outside, taking a deep breath of fresh air and just enjoying and appreciating nature for a few minutes. orchid


Oh, Saturday, you were a tough one for me. The week had already been a series of ups and downs to work through during this experiment and I knew you would be the toughest. Saturday's theme is about controlling your inner dialogue, which is something I've never been overly good at. I've always wished I were constantly positive when giving myself pep talks. Unfortunately, I am honestly my own worst enemy that way. I always second guess and am overly harsh on myself. I know this will certainly be a process to change but I started by stopping myself anytime I wanted to be negative or say something bad about myself and instead replaced it with something positive. Hopefully, I can keep it up.


Sunday, the last day of Hell Week, was finally here! I found it fitting that the last day is where you put everything into perspective. As discussed in the book, one way to do this is to think about death. It's something I do actually try to do regularly. Not because I'm morbid that way, but as a reminder that tomorrow isn't promised and today you have to make decisions and choices that reflect that. Sometimes you have to directly choose to spend those 20 minutes making memories with your family versus work that no one will remember in even just a couple of months, along with so many other scenarios.

Am I Now My Best Self?

So, the whole goal of this Hell Week was to become my best self. Did I? I'm going to say no but hear me out. I don't think we can ever be our best self and especially not in just 7 days. In my opinion, there is always room for improvement, though it doesn't mean we have to drive ourselves crazy doing so. I can say I'm certainly a better version of myself after this week and one of the best I've been in a long while. While this week was hard, it was also a nice refresher to put things back into perspective and make sure I have the correct priorities, to make sure I'm taking good care of myself, and so much more so that I am both happy and successful in my life. I can see myself following Hell Week at least a couple times of year as it felt like a really positive cleanse for your life, so to speak. Through all the ups and downs of the week, I have to say they were very much worth it to now feel a sense of empowerment and realize what areas I really need to work on to keep bettering myself. Want to give Hell Week a try for yourself? Head on over to Amazon to purchase a copy of the book.

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